Incredible Years – Babies

305 South pacific
PARENTS WITH BABIES AGES BIRTH TO 7 MONTHS. In the Parents and Babies Program, parents learn how to: Help their babies feel loved, safe, and secure. Encourage their babies’ physical and language development. The parenting group format fosters peer support networks and shared learning. Trained Incredible Years® facilitators use video clips of real-life situations to support […]
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The Incredible Years® evidence-based programs for parents, teachers, and children reduce challenging behaviors in children and increase their social emotional learning and self-control skills.

The programs have been found to be effective in strengthening teacher and parent management skills, improving children’s social emotional competence, emotion regulation, and school readiness, and reducing behavior problems.

Evidence shows the programs have improved behaviors of up to 80 percent of the children of participating parents and teachers. If left unchecked these behaviors would mean those children are at greater risk in adulthood of unemployment, mental health problems, substance abuse, early pregnancy/early fatherhood, criminal offending, multiple arrests and imprisonment, higher rates of domestic violence and shortened life expectancy.