Timeout CAN be effective

Timeout CAN be effective

Timeout CAN be effective! When timeout is brief, used infrequently, and delivered in a calm and thoughtful manner, it can reduce kids’ aggressive behaviors and increase their sense of safety and security!

Positive Parenting Tips for 5-8 years old

Positive Parenting Tips for 5-8 years old

https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/childdevelopment/positiveparenting/middle.html “Middle childhood brings many changes in a child’s life… This is a critical time for children to develop confidence in all areas of life, such as through friends, schoolwork, and sports.”...

Positive Parenting Tips for 3-5 years old

Positive Parenting Tips for 3-5 years old

https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/childdevelopment/positiveparenting/preschoolers.html Children in this stage are becoming, “more independent and begin to focus more on adults and children outside of the family. They will want to explore and ask about the things around them...

Positive Parenting tips for 2-3 years

Positive Parenting tips for 2-3 years

https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/childdevelopment/positiveparenting/toddlers2.html “Because of children’s growing desire to be independent, this stage is often called the “terrible twos.” However, this can be an exciting time for parents and toddlers. “Children in this...

Positive parenting tips for 1-2 years

Positive parenting tips for 1-2 years

https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/childdevelopment/positiveparenting/toddlers.html  “During the second year, toddlers are moving around more, and are aware of themselves and their surroundings. Their desire to explore new objects and people also is increasing.” Toddlers...

Positive Parenting Tips for (0-1 years)

Positive Parenting Tips for (0-1 years)

https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/childdevelopment/positiveparenting/infants.html “During this stage, babies [are] developing bonds of love and trust with their parents and others as part of social and emotional development.” Children in this stage will be focusing their...